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The Scotsman

Online Chess Game

"The Scotsman" chess column

G Milos – A Karpov
Najdorf Memorial (1), Petroff Defence


1.e4 e5 2.Sf3 Sf6 3.Sxe5 d6 4.Sf3 Sxe4 5.d4 d5 6.Ld3 Sc6 7.0-0 Le7 8.c4 Sf6 9.Sc3 0-0 10.cxd5 Sxd5 11.Te1 Le6 12.a3 Lf6 13.Le4 Tb8 14.Dd3 h6 15.Lh7+ Kh8 16.Lf5 Sxc3 17.bxc3 Ld5 18.Lf4 Se7 19.Lg4 Sg6 20.Lg3 b5 21.Df5 a5 22.Te3 Tb7 23.Dh5 b4 24.axb4 axb4 25.Tae1 c6 26.cxb4 Txb4 27.Se5 Txd4 28.Sxg6+ fxg6 29.Dxg6 Lf7 30.Df5 g6 31.Df3 Ld5 32.De2 Lc4 33.Df3 Ld5 34.De2 Lc4 35.Df3 Lg7 36.Dxc6 Txg4 37.Ld6 Da8 38.Dxa8 Txa8 39.Le5 Ld5 40.Lxg7+ Kxg7 41.f3 Td4 42.T1e2 h5 43.Kf2 Kf6 44.Tb2 Ta6 45.Te8 Le6 46.Tf8+ Kg5 47.Tb5+ Lf5 48.Tb2 Tad6 49.Ke3 Tc4 50.Tfb8 Td3+ 51.Kf2 h4 52.Th8 Tdc3 53.Th7 Tc2+ 54.Txc2 Txc2+ 55.Kg1 h3 56.g4 Ld3 57.Txh3 Kf4 58.Th8 Kxf3 59.Th3+ Ke2 0-1

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